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Welcome to my Wargaming Blog Homepage

 I have started this site to share my wargaming projects with friends and with any luck wargamers all over the world. Hopefully you may be inspired by the content as I have been by other wargame blogs. I will endeavour to keep regular postings of all my projects up to date and will from time to time experiment with different pages.

Please don't stop here, browse among the varied content, if you see something you like - please send a comment, if you see something you don't like send a comment. Do share this site with others who may also be interested or recommend other blogs that may have inspired you.

Although my main interest is Napoleonic wargaming, I am interest in a few other periods, amongst them - WW2 using the 'Bolt Action' rules. I mostly enjoy figure painting usually in 6mm and live in south Wales, the heart and soul of the UK .
