More 1809 Battles - Ursensollen

Not had much time lately to play or post due to the need to finish a Baden Division of 1809 which has been sitting on my painting table for months now. Thankfully I'm nearly there at last - just the commanders remain.

However, the continuation of battles of 1809 has led me to a small game of a few battalions each side. The battle saw the French led by Friant squared off against that of the Austrians under Winzingerode and took place around the town of Ursensollen on the 14th of April.

The OOB was:


15th Leger, with two battalions,
1st Chasseurs, two squadrons,
and two 4 pdr guns


3rd Jagers, one battalion,
Blankenstien Hussars, two squadrons,
II Erzherzog Johann and three cavalry guns in support at Ursensollern.

For such a small force it was not practical to use my favoured rules - In the Name of Glory by David Marks, since these are more suited to divisional games. Instead I decided to try the 'Waterloo' set by the now defunct Historical Games Workshop - yeah I know, but the book was such good value at half price and is lavishly populated with really good wargame photographs.

Digression aside, the game is going slowly at the moment since I am learning the rules 'on the fly' and the rulebook is not the best constructed for referencing during play - a bit too much jabber interspersed with the apparent occasional rule. That being said they seem to being doing the trick for such a small force.

So far the Austrian Jagers have taken a beating from the French guns and advancing skirmishers and are seriously considering their strung out position.  The Austrian artillery has decided to get onto gear and add a little support, but meanwhile the French columns slowly march onward. All is not lost for the Austrians yet they still have the 'reserve' at Ursensollern....

Austrian Jagers repositioning toward the rear.

French columns advancing
After a few more turns, the Austrian Jagers are in a controlled retreat, One French column was seen off by the Hussars who caught them before they could change into square, and the Austrian artillery is retaliating at last with a clear shot at the second French column.
