After Action Report - Baden vs French

Having finished painting a Baden Division, it was time to try them in action against the all conquering French.

The scenario was a fictitious set up at the edge of a dense wood and some hilly terrain The Badeners were emerging from the wood en-route to link up with their allies. A battalion of light infantry, (Linggs' light infantry/jager battalion), leading in skirmish order scouted the open plain ahead, while the cavalry supported nearby.

The skirmish screen do their job and are close enough to the French to spot them, the trailing battalions start to form up in mixed formation - uncertain of the size of the French.

In fact the French Division is larger than expected, which has now put the Badeners on the back foot.
With contact now made with the French horse artillery, and a unit of light infantry, the Baden skirmishers are put under pressure and start taking heavy casualties.

However, some help is at hand by a supporting infantry battalions, (3rd Regt./2nd battalion and 3rd Regt./1st battalion), both of whom lock horns with the advancing French - but even respite this is not enough to stop the skirmishers breaking;

On the Baden right wing the enemy have advanced far enough to pose a serious flank threat so the dragoons have galloped to 'shore up' the wing, while the Baden 1st Regt. routs one unit of French, unfortunately the Baden artillery had to 'hotfoot' it out of there before being over-run.

Even after some serious and prolonged melees, which drove off some of the French units, it all proved too much for the Badeners. On the plus side, they nearly captured a French Divisional command stand, the 1st Regt. defeated - miraculously - a unit of cuirassier and at least curtailed the advance of the French. The Baden Division retreated back to the start line in the forest a little shaken but no completely destroyed.

All in all an enjoyable game, which also allowed me to test some house rules on light infantry, horse artillery and impact of various situations on commanders and rallying units on being broken.
