The Polish Division of Prince Poniatowski

Poniatowski's Polish Division - 1809

At long last the final touches have been put to my basic Polish Division. I keep saying things like finally, eventually, at last, because like most wargamers I suffer from the 'butterfly' effect, flitting my modelling direction depending on inspirational sources like films, books or even other gamers projects - this inevitably leads to a massive number of partially started projects and none completed. However, with that excuse out of the way, this particular project has reached a conclusion and here it is. Firstly, the order of battle:

Divisional commander - Prince Poniatowski

1st Infantry Brigade - 2 battalions
3rd Infantry - 2 battalions
8th Infantry Brigade- 2 battalions

1st Chasseurs - 4 squadrons
3rd Uhlans - 4 squadrons

Horse battery and Foot battery

Most of these figures were painted several years ago and when making up the Division, I was surprised how much my painting style and ability had changed - for the better, I may add. Some of the cavalry were just given a touch up and not stripped and re-painted, man, that would take another year or so at my rate, so it was never going to happen.

Divisional command figures in the form of Prince Poniatowski and commander Ulanov

Random images of some of the infantry battalions, grenadiers can be seen in the rear ranks of each battalion.

Not a particularly flattering set of painting on my light cavalry, quite a bit of over painting to spruce them up, (too lazy at the moment to strip them back to metal and start again), but it does the job for the moment - still got piles of other 6mm figures waiting for "life's breath" painting.

Don't know why but I didn't get an image of the Uhlans, maybe later. Finally, the artillery:
