Enemy at the gate, part 1

Russia defends its homestead against the French invader.

The original set up of this game saw the Russian army defending a village surrounded by thick impassable forest. The scenario took place during spring/summer to eliminate any weather effects, (a project for later in the year).

The French were given some off board reinforcements that would appear at an indeterminate time on the French right flank.

The Russians set up a thin forward line of defence with cavalry at the fore and opolchenie holding ground in the village itself. A charge by the French dragoons initiated a response by their Russian counterparts. The impetuous Russians also tried to get stuck in to the French infantry.

Several rounds later they were still in combat.

Eventually the Russian dragoons broke and the French did not pursue, next, the Cuirassiers of both sides got into combat until again the Russian side fought to a withdrawal result - so beaten but not defeated.

 Next came the turn of the infantry. A general advance by the French pushed into the Russian lines.

In the background the Russians start to deploy into position behind the frontline combatants.

Artillery rules were the ones under trial for house rules and in this game the rapid limber/unlimber of horse artillery and bounce of shot seemed to work quite well.

The small die represent the artillery under refit or firing mode, this minimises the massive over-strength of the artillery under these rules, especially in canister range.
