French Dragoons

28th Dragoon Regt.

Not having enough French cavalry, and realising what an enormous task it would be to represent a small fraction of the variety present in the army of 1809, I figured that painting one regiment of each cavalry type, would be a good start. Since I already had a two regiments of cuirassier and one of lancers the next choice was dragoons. Soon to be followed by some hussars, chasseurs a cheval and later, armoured carabiniers for an 1815 campaign. but first....

Based on the 28th and 29th dragoon regiments during the 1809 campaign, (both facings were the same at this time). Figures as always are Adler 6mm.

Will soon see how they perform in the next game, planned to be a Russian vs. French affair, although not an historical outing, just another one to try out some house rules.
