Terrain addition

 What with rainy days and Covid-19 lock down in force when better to expand my terrain tiles, this time wheat fields. 

The starting point was 80mm hexagons from Pendraken miniatures as the base and a cheaply purchased bristle hand brush. Suitable lengths were cut from the brush and stuck down using a hot glue gun in clumps which allowed for infantry to be placed sensibly. No real plan or geo-morphic symmetry was adhered to but the spaces were just estimated. Once cooled, the base was covered in red/brown scatter material and left to dry for a few hours. 

Next a very, very thin wash of dark brown was randomly daubed onto the base, again this was left to dry thoroughly. Now using off-cut bristles from the brush several patches were placed flat with superglue to create the impression of flattened stalks. Once any loose fibres were removed the whole base was appropriately dry brushed with Vallejo paint, (914), followed by a lighter dry brush of 916, and there you have it. They took roughly a few hours to complete - allowing for drying time, so not a bad outcome for a rainy day! Added to the hay stacks from a few weeks ago they seem to fit in well.
