Spanish Cavalry.

 Many moons ago I tried a new painting technique, that of block colour with a dilute brown wash overall. Either the brown was not sharp enough or was too weak I could not decide, but the finish never enamoured me and as a result they found themselves relegated to the back of my collection. 

My recent re-vamping of my Napoleonic collection started with arranging all my figures into a Division format, thus creating decent size armies to game with. Most just needed re-labelling and lists being completed, but the Spanish have not yet been painted and a few hours work to complete this unit would not go amiss. So with these cavalry, the time seemed right for a make over and after a quick spot of research I found the ideal uniform scheme. 

The period is around 1808 so a bit early - hence the appearance of hussars in Mirliton, (I think they were originally painted as Revolutionary French, but that project went out the window some time back).
