Baden Division

The Baden Division order of Battle outlined below is based on the 4th Corps under Massena in 1809.

2nd Division (Baden) Brigade: von Harrent

1st Infantry Regiment Grossherzog, (2 battalions)
2nd Infantry Regiment Erbgrossherzog, (2 battalions)
3rd Infantry Regiment Graf von Hochberg, (2 battalions)
Jaeger Battalion Lingg

von Freystedt Dragoon Regiment (4 squadrons)

2nd Foot Artillery Battery

The Baden Division has been finished for a few days now but I was seriously lacking in enough time to photograph them so here are a few images of the Division: 

The foot artillery;

Will look up my notes and work out which battalion is which, its going to be 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

Finally got around to photographing the command elements of the Division - it's only taken six months or so to do this - memory ain't what it used to be! So......

and also some cavalry close ups..
