Waterloo Day - "The Defence of Hougoumont".

 Every year I endeavour to play a Waterloo game on its anniversary. This year my intention was to expand the field of battle, but as with many plans things conspire to thwart them. For a few months I have been finishing of some French Guard battalions and only two remain on the workbench. At the end of May I started three battalions of British infantry and worked diligently each day to complete them Alas the day came and I am still short of all the above units and some artillery disappointing to say the least..

So I downscaled my idea to the defence of Hougoumont.

The battle started at 11.00 a.m. with a French bombardment on the chateau, in order to support the advancing infantry. Pretty soon the French skirmishers were engaged with the defenders, (Three battalions of British guards), placed either behind stone walls or in the hedges of the garden. However, by noon both forces were well engaged in hand to hand and several firefights around the grounds. 

While the siege continued, the French right flank advanced towards the British line on the ridge, taking a few casualties from British artillery.

By 1.00 p.m. Hougoumont was completely surrounded and the ridge attack was well underway by French column charges and intense firefights. The British defence of Hougoumont was holding up well as French casualties slowly mounted. one or two French units either routed or performed an orderly withdrawal to let fresh troops attack.

Shortly after 2.00 p.m., most French attacks were petering out and the casualty toll starting to mount. Although testing for the British line the attack on the ridge was faring worse for the French and several battalions were in retreat. A few did eventually rally but were exhausted and played no further role in the battle. Hougoumont was still in British hands although with weakening morale they did retire two companies from the outer garden into the safety of better cover.

Now at mid afternoon, (3.00 p.m.), it was all over for the French, too many routs and withdrawals proved too much, compounded by the appearance of British support from off table in the form of the K.G.L.

Ultimately a British victory, saving Wellingtons right flank. How the rest of the battle turned out?....... Well maybe next year when those aforementioned units are completed.

Casualty outcomes; 

French; Wounded-854, Killed-943, Deserted-481. Morale-62%

British; Wounded-336, Killed-83, Deserted-6. Morale-86%
