A Spanish Winter Break

 With the weather being so bad over recent weeks, I decided to paint up a nation from sunnier climates, yes, a Spanish army. Although it's not yet complete, (the figures have been purchased - now just a matter of time), I've got around six or seven battalions to do with a decent variety of uniforms.

The project as a whole has been inspired by Lipscombe's atlas of the Peninsula War from 1808 to 1814, and so indeed begins a whole new theatre of war. 

Currently I have enough British Brigades to not warrant further work, but progress is afoot on the Portuguese and a few minor nationalities - more on these as work moves forward. A small amount of painting is need to finish off some French light infantry and that's about it.

To date there are three Brigades each of two battalions completed; Zamora, Toledo and Rey.

Zamora Brigade marching away.

Also completed are some Spanish dragoons and hussars, but more on these next time. Finally, currently on the workbench are the Seville Brigade, which will form an update with the cavalry and maybe an artillery battery.
