Construction of a Peninsular War Church.

 Further to creating armies for the War in Spain, some thought was needed as to the terrain also. To this end I decided to scratch build several types of building typically found in this theatre of war. The first was to be a typical Spanish church. No absolute plan was adhered to, just the general type - if you like a generic representation. 

This page details the construction using some scraps of old photo mount board.

Starting with the base-board to give the approximate footprint, the side walls are cut out and glued into place using wood glue. This forms the simplest outline for the rest of the construction. Normally I brace the largest walls with internal struts, but here the twin aisles do that job for me.

Next comes the roof and tiling, this is where the trusty "Milliput" comes in handy. First it is rolled into as thin a sheet as possible the carefully placed onto the model and cut to size. The difficult bit now is to to create the tile effect, so in this case I designed a 'comb', to make the job easier. The comb was made using corrugated plastic sheet glued to an off-cut of mountboard as shown below. The semi dry "Milliput" is the indented using the comb to produce the required pattern.

Additional tiles were placed over the entrance and an arch put in place.

Now the tower is added and some supporting columns, also the base has been trimmed to a more suitable size.

Fairly soon I shall have a few buttresses added to 'prop' up the tower and then decide on a dome cap or tile roof.
