Latest Update and French Cavalry Images

 I've spent the last week or so reviewing my figure stock prior to sending a final order into Adler Miniatures. Beginning with those units which need a few extras to complete and onto a few regiments of cavalry and finally getting a Prussian army - one which I should have obtained many years ago. 

With this list now complete, I shall resume painting my Spanish army, and to be fair there's only one or two units and two artillery pieces left, hopefully they will get finished soon.

Additionally, a book containing the supplemental rules I've been working on is nearly complete, just the built up area combat and Peninsular special rules, (not sure yet what will be practical for this theatre yet), are left.

So in the meantime I decided to take a few images of French cavalry to add to the book.

Chasseurs a Cheval of the Guard
Dutch Lancers
