Road to Waterloo - British cavalry completion.

 Well, it's been a bit slow on the Waterloo plan this year, and even though I've only got four regiments of cavalry to paint I just keep finding other things to do this month. For example, working on a very large river section which has been ongoing for several months now and really needed some inspiration to progress. Also, I'm still working through my Spanish army, with two battalions partly complete - they've been niggling me for a while now - so worked on them. Furthermore, I was distracted by a few 6mm buildings which arrived recently and finished off others with varnish and flock - all looking good now!

Thus, my plan so far needs more effort since only the British cavalry have been completed - but the French lancers are undercoated and quite a few horses have been done. 

So below we have, the British 11th Light Dragoons and Household cavalry, (Blues).
