Painting Guide - Russian village

 A recently finished, (maybe not quite), project consisting of a church and several wooden buildings for my 1812 battles, gave me the idea that a painting guide would be useful for any futures additions to village.

Starting with the original buildings they are made by Hovels and "Timecast" from a few years back. In fact a recent order from "Timecast" left me well unimpressed with their latest moulding, resin and base 'levelling' process - almost all the buildings were off kilter due to badly sanded foundations, so they won't be getting any more orders from me! But enough of that.

In order to create a semi-modular system, each small building was mounted on a 60 x 40 MDF base, while larger ones placed on the smallest size practical, supplied by Pendraken Miniatures. 

In all cases the paints used are Vallejo, model colour.

Each building was undercoated with 872, chocolate brown. Then a heavy drybrush over-paint, with 821, avoiding sharp inner edges, to retain a decent hard edge effect. Then, light dry brush with 986 and finally 986 + white, to enhance the highlights. Finally, a number of thin washes to "weather" each one using either a black glaze or dark brown glaze. 

The groundwork was added using scatter material from a variety of companies mixed to a recipe which suits the theatre. Two or three different layers were created as variation to break up the design.
