6mm Figures Compared

Following on from a recent 'Facebook' discussion regarding the comparative size of 6mm figures by different manufacturers, I have decided that rather than try to describe the relative differences, I would photograph some of the ones I have in my collection, all are from the Napoleonic period and are at various stages of being painted, so please excuse the quality of some of the work.

The Currently I have figures from four manufacturers; Irregular Miniatures, Baccus, Heroics and Ross and of course Adler.

First up is Irregular Miniatures;

Next are from my Baccus collection;

Followed by Heroics and Ros;

Finally, Adler;

Although all of the above show the detail available on each individual, part of the 'Facebook' discussion concerned their compatibility, so infantry first, left to right, back row Heroics and Ros, front row, Baccus; centre, Adler Miniatures and right, Irregular Miniatures.

and for the cavalry: left to right, Baccus, Adler, Heroics and Ros; back row, Irregular Miniatures.

So there you have it, I hope you folks find some use in this guide.
